Neon Demon
luminance of the body outlines

The basic of the idea was an ode to Nicolas Winding Refn (Director). He has been responsible for some of my favorite movies, such as Drive, Only God Forgives, Bronson and of course Neon Demon. Although this is not a photo series that copies the movie in any way the general style of his cinematography is woven into the Artworks. 

This was my first time using neon lights during a shoot. I am honestly  quite happy with the results. This actually the first part of a two part series. Here the model is just barely lid and the edges of her body give a nice contrast. I love the range of colors and them bouncing off the edges of her body this gives it a really nice composition. I approached this shoot with the idea of using one hard light to create contrast and a soft box in the background to break her out of the background.

Neon Demon


Neon Demon

luminance outlines of the body
