My Happy Place Book Cover
This is a book cover that I created for a Graphic Design activity book called "My Happy Place". Meeting tight deadlines, and dealing with annoying clients can be extremely stressful. Sometimes we all just need to escape to our own little place. This is my humorous interpretation of a designers "Happy Place".

To see Mike's portfolio, visit www.behance/MikeBrennan

 Skin-Tech Bandages - Packaging
For one of my design studio classes, we were required to create some type of 3 dimensional packaging for a product that we came up with. The product that I designed is called SKIN TECH, and it is a cool, sleek twist on normal, boring bandages. I created a template for the box by looking at other bandage and first aid packaging. I drew much of my visual inspiration for this project from the packaging of "5 Gum" and "U Tampons" by Kotex.

To see Mike's portfolio, visit

"Stampede" Book  Jacket
"Stampede" is the name of a book that I designed a dust jacket for in one of my studio classes. We were required to create our designs based on the title of the book, rather than the contents contained within it. I chose to illustrate the eyes and horns of an intimidating bull on the front cover and place it against black backdrop. The horns are the most dangerous part of a bull. My intent was to create tension or fear by only showing the most dangerous or frightening aspects of the animal.

To see Mike’s portfolio, visit

YCP Masters Programs
This is a project I created in my Publication Design class. I was required to create an identity for the York College of Pennsylvania masters programs by designing a brochure, business cards, and a poster. The three masters programs are Business Administration, Science in Nursing, and Education. I used bright, vibrant bars of color throughout the identity to really grab the viewers eye. I chose to use a bold, slab-serif typeface, to knock out the letters against the bars of color. The design communicates a message while also creating interesting geometric shapes.

To see Mike’s portfolio visit
Work by Mike Brennan

Work by Mike Brennan

My name is Mike Brennan and I am currently a Junior Graphic Design student at York College of Pennsylvania. I put a lot of time, work, and heart Read More


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