My senior thesis revolved around mental health and opening the minds of people who may be unaware of how the symptoms of anxiety and depression manifest in young adults. I also wanted a chance to incorporate my own writing, because writing is another passion of mine that I do almost daily. 

Issue 1 is about the moment I discovered I had general anxiety disorder.
Issue 2 is about panic attacks where I would think I am about to die, yet find that normal and think everybody feels this way.
Issue 3 is about the crippling fear of losing somebody you love.

I wanted others to read my series of zines and be able to reflect upon their own mental health, because it can be so debilitating and cause difficulty functioning in young adults who may not even see the signs within themselves. I did much research on storytelling and decided it was the most effective way for others to feel connected to my thesis.

The project is dedicated in memory of Jeremy Himmelman, featured in zines 2 and 3, who had passed recently after finishing this project.
The 25MG Series

The 25MG Series

My senior thesis at Massachusetts College of Art & Design focusing on the topics of one's person mental health.


Creative Fields