Christian Barthold Collage sin profilChristian Barthold – Free works sin profil

Fight for democracy!!!

Fight for democracy!!!
(a series of illustrations commissioned by Brigitte Magazine)
Trump, Erdogan, Putin, Le Pen - each of them gives a xxx about political correctness.
What can we do against???

Do we have to take this???
… enduring the daily shitstorm of Donald Trump and other politicians without dignity

Should I become a member of a political party?
…and must to do all the boring stuff that will come along with that?

Found a political movement & shout it out loud!!!
Why not found a new political movement & multiply your followers (by using the web) – that seems to work out, by the way.

above: „Keeping the talk climate even when talking to someone unconvinceable”
Defend your own values !!!
…talking is maybe still the best way to handle political „ennemies” – keep (!!!) talking.

Democracy rules!!!

Thank you for enjoying!

Fight for democracy!!!

Fight for democracy!!!

Christian Barthold: Illustrations for: „Fight for Democracy!” About: Trump, Theresa May, Erdogan, Le Pen (…to be continued…). Politics have bec Se mer
