To create the corporate identity for Russian music collective «Drum Театр» (eng. Drum Theatre). The collective is really young and was established in 2015. At the beginning it started as a school club, but after 2 years of working it evolved into a professional music collective and now they are preparing their first live-programme. So my task was to create their visual image to inspire the team and to help them in developing their brand.

The collective appeared in many limits, initially they didn’t have any permanent space, they were short of instruments and funding. However, they managed to turn this situation to their advantage, creating drum sets with unique sounds from improvised materials. The team tries to use less instruments, expanding the possibilities of each one with special music techniques. I wanted to emphasise their minimalistic philosophy, leaving only black and white colours as the colour solution. Basing on the «AFFECT» font, I created the brand typography, that stresses their distinctive character, courage and energy. The typography is assembling into rhythmic compositions, existing within the borders.

Design: Anatoly Shabalin    /    Video: Denis Vedmetsky    /    Text: Sofia Chukavina

Special thanks to Vladislav Chizhevsky for making this project happened.
Make art and spread talent.


Drum Theatre

Drum Theatre

Corporate identity for Russian music collective «Drum Театр» (eng. Drum Theatre). The collective is really young and was established in 2015. At Læs mere
