The task at hand was to create a portrait on Photoshop using royalty fruit images given by my tech teacher, Ms. Heckel. I had to use those images along with a celebrity picture of my choice. Royalty-free means that you have permission to use something for your own work. Ms. Heckel emailed my classmates and I specific fruits and vegetables we can use to copy and paste onto our celebrity picture. The celebrity I chose was Chris Pratt. There’s not a big reason why I chose Chris Pratt. It's just he was the first person that popped up in my head. The pictures that were sent were very simple fruits and vegetables like strawberries, bananas, grapes, pumpkins, peppers, etc. We had to copy and paste whatever food we want onto our picture in some creative way. With my Chris Pratt photo, I used the lemon “flesh” as the skin, jalapenos for the eyebrows & lips, leaves for the nose, pineapple “spike” for the hair, bananas for the shirt collar, and blueberries for the tuxedo. Overall, this project was time consuming, but kind of fun. It was fun because I get to mess up someone else’s face for a change. It was time consuming because it was a lot to copy and paste. Having said that, it was fun, so it didn’t feel as long as I thought.
Chris Pratt Arcimboldo
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Chris Pratt Arcimboldo

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