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nickelodeon Germany - Opener "Hey Nick!"

Motion Graphics
C. Wiegandt and me were commissioned by dyrdee media Berlin in the summer of 2015 to build all the crafts and later
animate them for a new Nickelodeaon TV show called „Hey Nick!“.

Due to my schedules I was only able to work on some key visuals like the hambuger and the futuristic Polaroid camera.
On the day of the shoot I assisted in the anmiation and so I stop motion animated half of the set when the big swirl of items is „sucked“ into the book, the logo animation, the flying balloon, the mapunfolding, and together with C. Wiegandt the jumping camera.

Client: Nickelodeon
Dyrdee: Concept, Design, Production
Producer: Sven Henrichs
Creative Director: Ole Keune & Ljubisa Djukic
Art Director: Jochen Weidner
Compositing: Jochen Weidner, Leon Rammert & Antonin Moucha
Stop Motion: C. Wiegandt
Stop Motion Assistant: Ollanski & Xenia Smirnow
Paper Craft: Ollanski, C. Wiegandt & Adriana Napolitano
Sound Design: Hofkapellmeister

PS: This is a re-upload because I was deleted from the original post. So please spread the love and share this project to get me back some of my lost viewer numbers!! Thank youuuuu! 
nickelodeon Germany - Opener "Hey Nick!"

nickelodeon Germany - Opener "Hey Nick!"

C. Wiegandt and me were commissioned by dyrdee media Berlin in the summer of 2015 to build all the crafts and later animate them for a new Nickel Read More
