Marcella Cheng 님의 프로필

The Bedlam Stacks: Book Trailer

The Bedlam Stacks
Book Trailer.

The client brief for ‘The Bedlam Stacks’ trailer wanted to convey the mood and setting of the story more than anything else. While the novel is set quite specifically in a certain part of history, there are also a lot of mystical and fantasy elements masterfully woven in, giving a rather suspenseful edge to the story. Overall, there is a paradoxical nature to the story; it is historical yet fantastical; epic yet intimate; beautiful yet unnerving. These contrasting concepts are conveyed in the series of short scenes I have selected from the novel, that focus mostly on the atmosphere and environment.

Each scene is animated minimally, with the focus being on the environment and setting rather than the story, as the brief had outlined. From the audience, I aimed to evoke a sense of awe, beauty and suspense, that will intrigue them enough to read the book, or at least watch the trailer again.
The Bedlam Stacks: Book Trailer

The Bedlam Stacks: Book Trailer
