This project was my first dive into making an animation. I used this a chance to draw many character forms and variations, some used, others just because I got into the flow of things.
At this stage I wanted to have a rough Idea off some possible scenes that may make up the frames. Just a guideline really.
Just one of many pages off characters/movements I put together, I got a little too into the drawing in this project, with so many possibilities and final outcomes. I sadly couldn't used as many as I would have liked as in the final Animation. There's something quite satisfying in just doodling like this, using a pen means you don't need to think about corrections and rubbing out, you just go for it.
Once happy with my library of sketches to draw from, I began to digitally enhance them with colour, whilst still keeping that hand-drawn aesthetic I'd worked hard to show. You can mainly see from the line-work and the details when looking closely. 
The piece used fists before words and was a visual metaphor towards how much we; the brits argue about what we call our bread, whether it be Baps, Rolls, Cobs or buns etc;. The Character's symbolise the same thing but with different personalities, indicating the different types of bread. The fighting emphasizes our heated debates.
Some of the characters/Elements became more and more improvised as I went along. Some of these elements I found were unneeded as After-effects comes with many useful tools that render them irrelevant. However It's still very useful to have a huge bank of Images to draw from so I don't regret making so many.
Possibly my favourite Character; The Grand-Bap or Grand-daddy, whichever you prefer.
Another Un-used yet visually quite interesting element.
A still from the animation. At this stage I was increasing the little gremlin like Character's size as he came into the foreground. The PIeces or rather crumbs falling from him were also getting larger the closer he came into the camera too. You'll notice the blurriness is also more evident the further back in the comp you look.

The Full and finished video is on my Instagram. 
Got a Cob on!

Got a Cob on!
