The Path of Needles

The Path of Needles is a puzzle game built in Unity and designed for the iPad. It tells a story where our world and the worlds of fairy tales became mixed together, casting the player in the role of a fairy god-person sent to help make Red Riding Hood’s journey to her grandmother’s house a bit safer.

Character Process 
Game Mechanic Process
Early stage sketches
Unity Prototype Build
Final Game Build
Thank You!

This project was developed with the guidance of Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips, Jason Gottlieb, Kiel Mutschelknaus, and Isaac Gertman as part of the GDMFA thesis at the Maryland Institute College of Art. 
The Path of Needles
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The Path of Needles

A game where our world and the world of fairy tales become mixed together. This was designed as part of the PATHS transmedia project for my MFA T Lire la suite

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