¿Me acompañas?

Fanzine made for Martin Lorenz's workshop "Libros como churros" in Elisava's Editorial Design Master in 2008.
It was done in collab with my friends Esther Maré and Maria Carvalho and completely manually, without computers, just using collage, a xerox machine, stickers and flyers about Barcelona cultural events.

The book is a loop, the end is the beginning and the middle closes the circle in blank.
The theme is Barcelona's huge cultural offer and how it can often wear you out and paralyze you.​​​​​​​

Keep up with my work here, on Facebook and Instagram
Also, follow my ongoing project about letterings and Woody's movies at

¿Me acompañas?


¿Me acompañas?

Zine made for Martin Lorenz's workshop "Libros como churros" in Elisava's Editorial Design Master.
