Winter Wonderland in the Netherlands

It has been a few years since it was cold enough to go ice-skating. Then the week before Christmas a winter wonderland surprised every-one of us. At least half of the Dutch population went outside with a camera to photograph the whitened landscape. You couldn't turn a corner without running into some paparazzi. There was no snow, but the frost at night made everything white anyway. Though it was gray and foggy, i took an old sensitive film and went outside. Half a day later i went back home satisfied. Gonna get prints of these i thought.

Exactly a day later early in the morning, i noticed the sun was shining and everything was still covered in white frost. This time everything was perfectly lid with a crystal clear winter blue sky. Oh no, now i have to do the whole thing all over again!? So i did. And this is what came out, i hope you like it. It's been a while since i've been satisfied with a roll of film, but this time i am.

The whole set with a single Nikkor 24mm F/2.8 (Most Landscapes at F/8.0)
On a Nikon F80/N80
Above: Like this one, every photo was taken with a warm filter to prevent overexposed highlights.
Below: Directly into the sun with a Polarizer
Below: Even with a Cokin warm filter, the snow turns up white on the print. Also, i'm on a river here.
Below: This one did get yellow'ish, must be the early sunrise.
Below: Occasionally snow falling on your head coming from the treetops.
Below: Directly into the sun, so most likely used a polarizer.
Above: Large flocks of birds flew over, making a lot of noise.
Below: One with the Polarizer again.
Above: Risking my precious camera and expensive 24mm on the thin one day old ice.
Below: On the left, low water (from the photo above). High water on the right.
Even the deeper ponds and rivers were frozen. I think it was minus 4-6 this day.
Above: Horizontal detail from a vertical photo, the Frozen Camper.
Below: Back home in the garden.
The End
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Landscape photography of a winters day in the Netherlands.


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