Henkilön Tai Chen profiili

hypothèse - The fragrance of imagination

h y p o t h è s e
the fragrance of imagination

The name of this fragrance is all about imagination. Imagine that you walk on street passing by a random girl, and you smell the fragrance she wear. You like that smell, and you start to imagine who she is, imaging how she live her life. This is the smell of hypothèse. When you were in your middle school or high school staying with a boy (or a girl) you like, and you were really close to each other, maybe only 20cm away, you were not really sure about if you should move closer a bit or not. You keep guessing in your mind about his or her feeling toward you, and this is hypothèse, the smell of imagination. 

The shape of bottle is coming from two crossing lines, and add two full circles on bottom and top of this X. It is a very rational shape, and I try to give a elegant and soft touch of it. That is the reason why I put a golden ring over this navy blue neck.
This is a Student Project from Pratt Institute, Spring 2017, Fragrance Packaging Design 
Bottle Renderings
Production Files
Sketches & Model
Mood Board
hypothèse - The fragrance of imagination

hypothèse - The fragrance of imagination

This is a Student Project from Pratt Institute, Spring 2017, Fragrance Packaging Design  Instructors: Prof. Marc Rosen / Filipe Sena Photo Credit Lue lisää
