Profil von Jessie Young

100 Vector Portraits (Set 5)

Illustrator Draw
More progress on the 100 Vector Drawings series. One is a portrait of my Mom that I gave her as a gift for Mother's day, and the rest are fellow faculty members at the Putney School Summer Art Studios.

Just like everything else on my site, all of these are hand drawn - no filtered photos, no tracing, no live paint or live trace funny business. Just a lot of little marks made with my Apple Pencil on my iPad and then tweaked in Illustrator to clean things up.

33 down. 67 to go.
Zach - film teacher, who recently cropped this crazy mop.
My Mom - outstanding artist, fantastic mother, and my role model for just about everything, because she's amazing.
Dan - animation teacher and dude who gets stuff done.
Joshua - Songwriting and vocal ensemble teacher, sing director, and coffee aficionado.
Emily - dance teacher and excellent storyteller.
Dan - Ceramics teacher and dirt wizard.
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100 Vector Portraits (Set 5)


100 Vector Portraits (Set 5)

Yet another set of quick portraits in Adobe Draw with my Apple Pencil.
