FuturaInk - Using the power of tattoos to make people equal - not different.
This was a project in my second year at Bath School of Art & Design in which I was briefed to choose something I was passionate about and try to create and brand a product in connection with this that utilises futuristic technology. I chose tattooing. With the project, I wanted to take away the whole taboo of tattoos and their negative connotations and instead try and implement some positive connotation. I decided to design a portable "tattoo pen" which can be distributed by the NHS for affordable prices which allows users to tattoo themselves with special, invisible inks which improve parts of their bodies. For example, there is an ink which can be tattooed underneath the eye ball to increase your vision for 24 hours. The overall goal is make tattoos something that doesnt exactly make you stick out in the crowd - but instead aims to make everyone equal.
This product aims to completely swap around the stigma of tattoos being a thing of social repression and gang-culture to tattoos actually being beneficial in a futuristic society.
The tattoo pen is a small, versatile tool which can be unscrewed and filled with liquid using a pipette. The special ink is than transferred to the skin using laser technology which is emmited by pressing the button on the side of the tool.
Different inks for different purposes all come in these handy little 30ml bottles.
I also designed a set of playing cards which can be purchased seperately. They are an integral symbol of tattoo culture during the 18th-19th century, so I wanted to give them a futuristic rebirth. They also operate as a guide on how to use the inks and the desired effect.
Some concept mockups of potential website and application...

