Our trip started from an 8 hours bus from Kathmandu to Syafrubesi and next morning we started to walk to go Tamang heritage trail..no we didn't use the mules, still strong!! ;) 
on the way we could see so many mustard plantations..
We stopped for lunch after walking 3-4 hrs.. It was one of the best dal bhaat( rice and curry) and really cheap too..
I stopped at her house to ask for directions and info but she wouldnt understand Nepali..and then i asked her for a photo and she was happy about it..
The kids seemed so happy to see us and when we gave them chocolates they were even happier.. :D 
We reached Ghatlang, our destination for the night and we decided to camp. It was our new tent and our first camping so we were so excited about it. After looking everywhere for campsite, we decided to camp here with fresh water running close. We cooked food, enjoyed the view and tried to sleep but it wasn't so peaceful due to heavy rainfall all night..
Morning view of the Ghtalang Village( The black Village) from our campsite. so Fresh!!
We had so many visitors and passerby at our camping site from early morning. This guy stopped for a chat and i clicked his pic. You can see the authentic clothes people wear around this area and they make the clothes themselves.
We walked up to see this beautiful holy lake called Parvati Kunda. The water so clean and clear that we could drink right away.
and someone told us there was a cheese factory and i had never been to one, so we went to taste some cheese made from the yaks milk. Bought some extra cause it was so cheesy..
We stopped by her hotel to eat and were served a super tasty daal bhat and also so cheap...
and her daughter super shy and cute. Thank you Didi, i still remember your sweet smile. :)
We were trekking down from Ghatlang to reach our next destination Chisapani..
Moon, sunset and River.. Good combination!
Strong Mountain woman! we stayed at this didi's place for 2 nights because this place was so relaxing and beautiful..and she was the only one taking care of her house and running hotel business. Respect!!
Nagthali was our next destination and we walked up quite a lot but it didnt arrive but some other place before it arrived and as the day was almost gone we planned to stay here. There were no hotels, all broken after the earthquake and almost no people. We were hungry and looking for a place to sleep as we couldnt camp in our tent due to rain, we found this didi making Raksi at her broken house(she used to own a hotel here until the earthquake put it into pieces). She let us cook food and also sleep in her kitchen..Thank you didi! :)
The morning after heavy rain all night. So fresh :)
Lot of Langoors(long tail monkeys) on the way..
We reached Nagthali finally and chose the last hotel to stay with really cute kids and sweet didi in the house. We stayed here for 2 nights because this place was something really different and on good elevation. so these 2 cute kids come to check out us in our room, hehe..
Remains of a Gumba(Monastery) which was broken after the earthquake..
Just trying to make some movie scene with my girl :P at Nagthali
Woke up early and thats rare with me, haha.. so we have Ganesh himal shining with the morning sunrays...
Yea thats our hotel at Nagthali with Langtang range on the back.. Massive!
Good Moooo-rning! 
Sunrising from the back of The Langtang range..
as we were climbing down from Nagthali to Syafrubesi(it wasnt in the plan but we lost the way so had to go back to base i.e, Syafrubesi for the nite) and climb up to langtang..
Beautiful flowers growing in the wild, looked as if someone planted them, must be GOD ;) 
we continued our trek from Syafrubesi to Langtang the next day...
Mother and daughter, they were so cute, we stopped by their small hotel for tea and some chitchat..
The color of the woods, deep deep..
Riverside, we were walking for this place and as we reached we put our tent to camp for the night which didn't go well again due to rain all night, but we survived haha
Langtang, you see only stones here now. There were more than 400 houses and hotels here before the big earthquake..
Yippie, Full Moon seen from Mundu, Langtang.
The white yak, people worship this guy as God because of its unique color and other reasons that i don't know
Rock and Bigger Rock with ice!!
Finally we reach Kyanjin Gompa, our last destination of this trek. We stayed for 2 nights here.
Early morning in Kyanjin Gompa
Woke up early to climb up to Kyanjin Ri to have a good view of Langtang mountains but due to bad weather the view was not so clear...
Trekking back from Kyanjin Gompa
This is an example of how nature destroys all. During the earthquake, not only the people and houses were affected badly, but also the trees were all put down..
Thats a waterfall, in such a interesting location.
We chose a different path to come back to Syafrubesi. The one that goes from sherpa Gaun(Village). We stayed in a hotel in this village for 2 nights..
The owner of the hotel where we stayed making chilly powder..really nice didi, we were lucky to found her, she gave us free food on the last day when we finished our money. 
The whole trek is soon gonna have motorable road. Thanx to JCB and the concerned authorities, but NO Thanx. :/ The whole charm of trekking is slowly going down due to roads and commercial things coming up..
End of trek at Syafrubesi, We had no money to go back KTM but only ATM card and there was only 1 ATM place which was not working for 4 days already and i was suggested not even to try but i had no choice, so i gave a chance and WHOA MAGIC MAGIC, Money came out and we could eat, sleep and take a bus back to KTM. :)
Thank you for your valuable time :)
Langtang & Tamang heritage trail


Langtang & Tamang heritage trail


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