Cubic Music (2003)

For final year degree show I created a large scale experimental musical performance space using a grid of 64 hidden pressure mats surrounded by quadrophonic speakers all hooked up to a custom built Max/MSP  program.

I wrote three musical pieces for this ‘instrument’ that  the viewing public could ‘play’. 

Three compositions were; a sound collage of human voices that became more/less coherent based on viewer movement, polyphonic study where public controlled length of four interlocking rhythmical phrases, and a more conventional piece of music that ramped up/down in texture/timbre based on number of participants in room. 

Was nominated for best in show award.
Outside the box, here's me hooking up the wires coming in from the mats to the breadboard that created MIDI signals for MAX/MSP. 
You can also see the audio-interface which fed the four speakers. 
Cubic Music
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Cubic Music

Custom mult-user quadraphonic musical instrument

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