Marlena Myles sin profil

Hanwi - Dakota Moon Goddess


​In Dakota/Lakota stories, Wí refers to the Sun & Moon: Haŋwí (evening light), is the lunar version. She is the wife of the sun, Aŋpétu Wí (morning light), but due to his act of indiscretion, she hides under a cloak whenever he is near — that is why the moon has different phrases. She represents women when they are young, middle-aged and elderly through her moon phrases.

Traditionally, there is a connection between women’s menstrual cycles and the moon’s cycle; when a woman was on her moontime, it was considered a very sacred time of inner purification. In this way, one could say Haŋwí is the “goddess” of motherhood and represents feminine power.

In current day ceremonies, women on their moontime are usually prohibited from attending; the power of the moon is still respected as inner purification stronger than even that of the ceremonies such as the sweat lodge.

On Display
For Directions @ Two Rivers Gallery | Minneapolis, MN | May 20th – July 31st, 2017

FOR DIRECTIONS is a joint exhibition in partnership with All My Relations Arts, American Indian Movement Interpretive Center, Two Rivers Gallery, Electric Machete Studios, and Grand Opening: Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center, highlighting the connections between Indigenous artists of the 4 directions around common themes of Decolonization, Identity, Resistance, and Survival.

Featured artists include: Todd Bordeaux, Neto Ybarra, Cannupa Luger, Andre Perez, Natchez Beaulieu, Holly Young, Isabel Boike, Marlena Myles, Karen Goulet, and Xilam Balam.


Evening primrose & moth
The chaŋȟdoğaŋ huȟda (Dakota) / čhaŋȟlóǧaŋ húȟla (Lakota) is the rattleweed/evening primrose. My people traditionally used it for healing bruises and sores; the roots were eaten and the leaves used as a pot herb; and the seeds were used as an incense when burned due to their pleasant sent.  The primrose moth is a beautiful yellow and pink moth whose larvae feed on the flowers of the evening primrose.

After sunset is when the Evening Primrose blooms: it is one of the fastest blooming flowers on the planet and will literally bloom before your eyes.
Pidamaya (thank you) for viewing.
Hanwi - Dakota Moon Goddess

Hanwi - Dakota Moon Goddess

Native American Artist
