This photo uses the design principles/elements of space. The story that this photo tells is how commuters travel to and from the subway station at One World Trade Center on their daily commute. This relates to the story by showing the life of New Yorkers. 
This photo also uses space. This photo tells the story of either tourists or family coming to remember those lost on 9/11. This fits into the story because its an important part of NYC history. 
This photo relates to the depth and space. It shows a bird in NYC on a ledge of a statue. It relates to the story because it shows off the not so clean parts of NYC. 
This photo relates to the unity aspect. it shows a tour guide speaking to his passengers on a tour in Times Square. It relates to the story by showing the tourist aspect and side of new York. 
This photo shows unity, This photo shows so many different people from different places uniting in once place. It relates to the story by showing how many different backgrounds are in NYC and how they all work together. 
This photo shows the unity aspect as well. This photo shows street performers making a living. This relates to the tourist and local aspects of NYC
This photo goes with the POV aspect . It shows the photo like you are a new yorker walking down the sidewalks with everyone else. It relates with the life of a New Yorker. 
This photo uses the aspect of depth. This photo shows a women crossing the street with the insane traffic of Times Square driving where ever they feel like. This relates to the story because it relates to the New Yorker  life. 
This photo uses the unity design aspect. It shows a man making a living as a taxi cyclist in NYC carrying a mother and son. This relates with the story because it shows how many people unite in NYC to make things happen. 
This photo shows off the lines aspect. This photo shows the One world trade center transportation hub and the One world trade center in the background. 
This relates to the architecture of NYC along with its history. 
New York City Life

New York City Life


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