Dan Revell's profile

The Miskatonic University Press

The Miskatonic University Press

The Miskatonic University is a fictional institution in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. This project imagines Lovecraft's short stories as academic papers published by the university's press. Authorship is attributed to the fictional professors who people the Lovecraft universe and blurbs take the form of academic abstracts.
While I didn't want to fully replicate the often ugly aesthetic of real university presses, I did make some design choices as a nod to 'grey literature's' checkered relationship with design. I used Arial as a cheap alternative to Helvetica and gave the university a generic and unassuming logo.
The blurbs are written in the inscrutable language of academia and contain certain in-jokes for fans of the stories.
The imagery was all made using an overhead projector, meaning that they are all in fact shadows of one sort or another. This is appropriate for the stories which often revolve around the terror of the unknown 
The Miskatonic University Press

The Miskatonic University Press

A series of H.P. Lovecraft stories re-imagined as academic papers published by the Miskatonic University.
