Street Life on a Gray Day, Waltham Massachusetts
It was a chilly spring day in downtown Waltham. The sky was overcast, but it was a bright overcast that put much-needed highlights in my photos. The passersby were going their various ways, briskly; it was not a day to linger. 

I took a few candid shots, but soon began to feel the chill, myself. Unsure I was being productive, I shut down the camera and went home. The photos are shown in grayscale, to convey the mood of the day.
Robin Mirollo, May 28, 2017: I like "Passersby." The introspective mood of each person seemed to be enhanced by the weather. It makes me think of how we all set out in the world each day with our own selfish intentions, barely noticing or regarding those we pass by—except you the photographer who causes us to stop, observe and think about how we interact with each other. [Comment submitted via Email.]


Street Life on a Gray Day
