Book Cover
A mysterious unsolved story by therry merry, about a man who writes his side of the story, the insect collector. 
A story that revolves around his obsession with his insect collection, and here comes his long time girlfriend and insults his insects, she hates how he takes care of them more than he does to her.
A homicidal maniac is unleashed from his deep thoughts, he murders her very slowly and happily.
her throat has been cut and blood drained from her body upside down, drop by drop. he hangs her up with the rest of his insect collection,polishes her body and decorates her.
he continues polishing the insects body with her blood. 
a story u never heard of. 

billboard design
The title (HUNG UP) is related to the whole story.i have used paris pro typeface to complete my concept. 
this type face helped emphasize the insects, with their big bodies(x-height) and thin legs(thin serifs)



a mysterious thriller story book cover hung up insects insect collector
