BBC - Book Covers
This brief, set by BBC Worldwide, was to design new book jackets for three separate age groups, featuring their tv show: Doctor Who.
Age Group: 5 - 8 Years

A Doctor Who story book. An interactive story which gives you a chance to go on adventures around the universe with the Doctor. To visit the different planets and get to know the creatures that inhabit them.

Dimensions: 203mm x 254mm

Age Group: 16 - 24 

A factual book about the Doctor, people and creatures anatomy: including illustrations and diagrams of the unique history of creatures featured in Doctor Who.

Dimensions: 215mm x 280m

Age Group: 35+

The Doctor Who mechanics book based on the machines seen in the series franchise; including his sonic screwdriver and Tardis in countless forms seen throughout the years. Including technical specifications and descriptions alongside exploded diagrams.

Dimensions: 210mm x 260mm

BBC - Book Covers

BBC - Book Covers

Cover designs for three separate age groups for the BBC Worldwide, featuring their tv show Doctor Who.
