Riza Prawiro's profile

Piston - Menuju Ketiga

Piston is a Jakarta based punk rock band that very influenced by the mighty Motorhead match with some Bad Religion flavor. This quartet group have a very crictical thought about Politics, Moral issues, Humanity and also about many missunderstanding in Indonesia. They use Piston as their band’s name because they want to be a activator to people around them. Just like Piston inside the motor machine wich is the driving force for the vehicle.
Their bass player have an exhibition project and he want to explain one of the song from their newest album “Titik Nol” and the Song Title is “Menuju Ketiga” means the affirmation about world war III. So they want to collaborate with me to interpreted the song into Illustration.

And This is how I illustrated what piston means about world war III, maybe it’s not too relevan with their lyric. But I choose this visual because I want to made some iconic image for them. I think Horse is the main object to represent their band name. I made the horse look like it ready to war, have a complete ammunition and also with the rider with some futuristic equipment, because we almost come to the future. I have saw some sick technology on internet, like drone, hoverboard, even Green Goblin’s jetpack is become real now. So how about I imaginated this horse is full of futuristic weaponry affirmated to war? 
However, the curator do not want any skull elements on my Illustration. I don’t know why although skull is basic, and we’re all have a skull, we made of skeleton, nobody have no skull.  But I think that’s not a problem, because I just want to present my concept and ideology to most people and I hope they notice it… HAHA
The horse is Driven by the skull rider, It’s mean we’re closer to the end, I assumed that World War III wil be held in post-apocalyptic era. Like Mad Max movie, that’s pretty much inspired me. 
Complete Ammunition surrounding the rider from shotgun to rocket launcher,  acid bomb to machete sword and also the horse is made from full maximus vehicle engine and many important vehicle parts.
The horse have a machine gun and installed on penis section. Because Horse’s penis is the new strength that many people do not considered. It would be sick when you put a machine gun to the lowest level. Nobody can run from it, The new promise of a dead enemy. Actually this is the main weapon, The rest is just complementary to make sure if the enemy still alive. No deffense, because barbarism is the reason for the new system in the world of apocalypse.
And This is the final Design of “Piston – Menuju Ketiga” illustration project. This work has been displayed at Gudang Sarina and this work will be used for their stage properties. And I Hope the band can help people to notice that we almost getting near to the Third World Sickness.
Piston - Menuju Ketiga

Piston - Menuju Ketiga

An Illustration project for Piston, Jakarta based punk rock band. Interpretation of their song 'Menuju Ketiga' about affirmation of world war III
