Opus Education established in 2017 with the goal to orientchildren future by aproach to their passion, based on new educating method. In pus children can learn to explore themselves, learn to play - that is the core factor. The subject are children with age of 3 - 12Logo needs to settle these problem: implying of place to practice - learn to play for children. Easy aproach to main target of the company; easy to identify; professional for parent of the client  - I've relate to an imagine of a kid astronaut - a symbol for exploring, adventure and also development. With basic circles to create an friendly image - all the graphic elements envolve are circles. With the variety of color pallete ( included 4 main color) presenting the variety, all the protential that children can figure out by themselves. Come with the logo, it is one of the important mark in branding.
Opus Education

Opus Education
