Logo concepts for a real estate settlements company. The brief was to show a more informal, friendly persona yet retain an impression of precision and attention to detail that buyers and agents would expect from a well-established provider of this important financial and legal process. The design strategy sought to clarify the company's name for easy visual comprehension while avoiding the cliché of an overtly traditional red and blue color scheme; some versions adjusted the baseline of the "i" and/or "t" in the company name to hint visually at the meeting of buyer and seller across a table. 
Although a basic identity package of letterhead, labels and business cards would be produced, the client's primary goal was to update online communications built around a new web-based document management system for submission and sharing of case files with agents, buyers and sellers. Web-safe colors and web-friendly typefaces and type treatments were a project requirement.
Pencil work from a 2006 exploration for the same company. Note the consistency of situation analysis: precision, accuracy, efficiency, friendly and knowledgable. Never proposed the tagline scribbled at bottom left, "Good In Deed".
Analysis, Pre-Concepting and Design 
While the client ultimately chose to produce a more personal expression by self-designing the company logo in Flash, and building it directly in Adobe Fireworks, their approach was guided by the concept work here albeit as a more literal representation of the "buyer/seller meeting-over-the table" metaphor.
Logo Design

Logo Design

Corporate identity concept proposal including logotype treatments and color palette explorations.
