This is a fun video inside of the VitalSmarts revamped Getting Things Done (GTD) training exemplifying why using special memory tactics may seem like a good idea, but in reality only makes you . . . odd to work with. The training touts that your brain is for having ideas, not holding them . . . so get the ideas and information out in a system that you can review. In this video Savannah tries to show her coworkers how her method makes her the most valuable asset in the room.

There were so many funny angles and shots in this scene that is made it VERY difficult to decide which ones to use. The character/actor Bijan actually turned out to an unexpected gem in this because of his expressive eyes.

The editing in the scene was supposed to be about Savannah, but I kept feeling that although this was about her, equally important, it was about the others in the room who inadvertently get sucked into her little world. I wanted to audience to be able to relate to Bijan and Tyanna's situation.

I think I was able to make work. This still makes me laugh when I watch it.
Mnemonic Magic

Mnemonic Magic

Getting thins
