Профиль Nabintta Coulibaly

NAVallUMD - A campus Navigation App for College Park

System Concept Statement
Our goal is to create a navigation system that goal is to assist all persons on the University of Maryland College Park campus to move about the campus with ease. In addition this app will enable users to know relevant information about these buildings such as picture of building, handicap accessibility, and what major offices are located in that building.
Process Overview
- Research
- Interviews and Survey
- Analysis
- WADD(Work Activity Affinity Diagram)
- Design
- Personas, Sketching , Paper Prototyping, Wireframes
- Evaluate
- User’s performance, Tasks completion, Team Evaluation
My Role: Main UI Designer
Wire frames

Ideation and sketching:
We designed our tasks using the locations/ issues mentioned by our users during the contextual inquiry.
Keeping in mind the emotional states of our users in addition to the time crunch of their current situation we designed our application to be quick, efficient while allowing them to easily reach their destination.

1. Find the building Mckeldin Library.
2. Find Footnotes Cafe.
3. Find a parking lot in accordance to your status on the UMD Campus.

Building Navigation Search
Dining Navigation Search
Parking Navigation Search
Applying Paper Prototype to Wire frames
Because our application is geared to be a navigation application, we wanted to design an easy to use, minimal application that was quick. Our test users had stated that the need something that is quick and that will allow them to get to their desired destination with no little to no issues.

We added features such as the four user categories when you open the app to allow for each type of user to easily find the solution that is specific to them, whether the be a faculty member, student or visitor on the University of Maryland campus. We believe that with the minimal,  clean and sleek design of our Navigation application it can diminish the frustration and confusion the user may have when it comes to navigating the University of Maryland campus.

To make our navigation application user friendly and easy to use we decided to make each step that the user must take, to find a parking lot, a building, or food place on the campus, take no more than seven touches on their screens. As is visible on our wire frames, we have each task completed within 4-5 screens. This let us know that our app would fulfill its goal of helping the user quickly and assertively find their desired location on the University Campus.

To get a better understanding of the full process to create this project, please visit the link at the end of this project. 
Lessons Learned/ Conclusions
- Word choice lowered the discover-ability of the application
- Users are always looking for a simple and easy interface  
- Users can give more insights into what features are useful for the application
To see the live presentation for this project and to view a working prototype of our application, please continue to the following link:
NAVallUMD - A campus Navigation App for College Park

NAVallUMD - A campus Navigation App for College Park
