“A Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge”

Printed publication with e-publishing
“An ‘Intertexted’ Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge” 
& “An ‘Hypertexted’ Index of (Non) Knowledge”

The main idea behind all of this, was to create a publication as starting point to perform the task of our generation towards education in general. Our publication was divided in two: An ‘Intertexted’ Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge and its digital index, An ‘Hypertexted’ Index of (Non)Knowledge. Our titles refers to the main denominators of this divided publication – ‘knowledge’ and ‘non-knowledge’. Throughout them, there will be fteen master key-phrases as the structure for what we want to emphasize. These key-phrases are interconnected for a better understanding of the subjects it approaches concerning the ideal.

After a thorough selection of authors, derived from the reading of Lászlo Moholy-Nagy’s "Vision in Motion", we found a way to voice our thoughts through inter- and hypertextuality. These authors will be the backbone of those fifteen key-phrases created to sum up our intent of translating what we think is needed to be acknowledged, of what is the task of our generation. By having our assumptions entwined with acquired information, we established the importance of the authors’ words not only to validate our speech, but also to emphasize their crucial influence in the making of this publication.

Complete work report:
“An ‘Intertexted’ Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge”
“An ‘Hypertexted’ Index of (Non) Knowledge”

"A Teaser of (Non)Knowledge"

We refer to education to all that we absorb, through all the ways we learn; and as human beings we are susceptible to everything that happens around us, all possibilities of learning.

"A ‘Rhetorical’ Installation of (Non) Knowledge"

Non-knowledge is the main ideal behind our message, to let it be one of the best ways to acquire knowledge. Second-guess the assumptions, make them understandable and comprehensible,don’t just assumed them as the truth without speculating and experiencing it by yourself.
Not knowing is in the origins of the knowing, there has to be something that we do not know in order to know; since knowledge has been one looped quest in the existence of our specie.
With this installation we hope to get reflections that will vary fromdifferent perspectives on reality. We want you to think of it for amoment, to reflect, to wander aimlessly in thought to respond our rhetorical question. Relate what you’ve captured from all of the installation, and introspect it the way you think it’s the best fit.
By doing so, we hope to make you stop for a minute and reflect towards the endless possibilities of response as a starting point to think about it. Since each person has their own way of thinking and of associating subjects between them; each has their own personal web of never-ending relations of things, and we want you to disclosure and go through them we realize their latent existence.

So, how much of what you know do you really know?

(Re-begin the looped cycle of knowledge)

“A Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge”

“A Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge”

Printed publication and e-publishing: “An ‘Intertexted’ Manifesto of (Non) Knowledge” and “An ‘Hypertexted’ Index of (Non) Knowledge”
