A human shape is presented before you. The body is in a state different to your own. How you interact with it is your decision. There is no right and there is no wrong, only action and perception.

How we perceive the human body is a very personal experience and is reliant on our preconceptions of its expected appearance and function. However, not all bodies function the same way, sometimes these differences are visible, and sometimes, they are hidden. Whether visible or not we are still expected to function to a standard regardless. This expectation acts as a force that manipulates us into following a preconceived narrative, similar to the pulling of strings on a puppet or a child who plays with a toy.

I have attempted to express this idea of autonomy and constraint through the medium of dolls. By allowing the spectator to immerse themselves in the experience they can explore their role as an acting force that manipulates something other than themselves. Will the imperfections dehumanize the doll and cause a different reaction, or will you sympathize with the visible flaws?

