Vertigo -Motion Controlled VR Game // BA senior project


Motion Controlled Virtual Reality Game

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The objective of our team is designing a functional 3D motion controlled simulation game that can survive in the market within the scope of our research, design, and concept.

There is a need for innovation, research, and development for gaming industry and hard-wares. Indie game market today is over-saturated, and market size for indie games nearly double each year. As the market size for mobile and indie PC market grows, the revenue per game decreases. This results with a need for innovation in the industry. VR gaining its hold in the market, motion controlled VR hardware creates opportunities for unique game design. And this could result with a shift in market in this direction. Our team is trying to test this market and create a well designed short and fun experience. The new and developing Vive market consisting of similar games, Vertigo creates its difference with unique narrative, variety of interactions and completely unique self-made 3D design. We strongly believe Vertigo has potential to create its foothold in Steam VR market, and it could serve as a unique solutions for questions in future VR titles.

Vertigo is an indie game created by a really small, 3 person, team. It is a short-indie and it positions itself as a cheap, and different alternative for more bigger titles. Vertigo is easy, and short. It calmly leads player into different scenes, leading them to do different actions. VR having side-effects in long-timed uses, many games like us try to keep it short and simple.

Players do not want to be passive observers, watching an animation on VR creates a fake illusion of immersion. Having player interact with its environment makes for a better experience, creates a stronger immersion and ends up capturing the player in its magic.

Having a group of coders and designer, makes for a better structured team. Everyone specializing in different fields, a multidisciplinary team constructs a more realistic company structure. Working like this on my final project I believe helped me simulate a future work experience better.
Vertigo -Motion Controlled VR Game // BA senior project