Photographic Typography
Finding interesting type in day to day life.
The Brief:
The brief was to create a concertina booklet that had images spelling a word of your choice. The images had to be sent through photoshop and edited.This was as part of on of our photography classes.

I decided to use the word "typography" because, I wanted to show how versatile  and diverse typography can be. I also wanted to show that in really in any environment you will find some kind of typography.
  I found the T made out of flowers in a public garden. The Y was found engraved into a bench!
I found the P printed into some wood on an advertising board. The O was found on one of the famous Doritos packets.
The G was found on the back of a book. While the R was seen engraved into some ceramic tiles.
The A was from a  cars number plate. And the P was again found engraved into a bench.
The H is the logo of the Honda car company. And the Y was stitching on a Holland & Barratt bag.
Type in Photos

Type in Photos

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