2018 Seoul city 

Society problem.

Fine dust in Korea for the problem is getting bigger these days.
Get blown in an industrial area due to rapid growth of its neighbors, and get blown in the desert dust and dirt from air pollution and exposure.

Dust in order to address the various air cleaner is on the market, but growing rapidly in the past five years substantially to suit a one-person household users.

That can be satisfying for air cleaner is not suffering due to the fine dust and air pollution to single-person households who proposed a new approach to problem solving.

single person household

Air pollution and one-man households have soared in the last five years. To solve this problem, single households suffering from air pollution have come up with a new way to solve the problem. 
About 60 % of the single person households live in small houses with a gross floor area of 40 m2 or less, or 32.6 % live in small houses of 6 m2 to 12 m2.
Living in the living space of a lone person household, I have a big problem with the space narrow.

Twoway can function as a left-sized table and a medium and medium air cleaner.
The design emphasizes interior elements and blends in anywhere in the house with white body and furniture legs.

designed by Junyoung Jung
Concept Project.

2017 D2B Design Award Coway Co. Silver
2018 Korea Design Exhibition Award Gold Minister
2018 Daegu Design Exhibition Award Silver

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Air pollution and one-man households have soared in the last five years. To solve this problem, single households suffering from air pollution ha Meer lezen
