25 km from Rembrandtplein

IJmuiden, North Holland. Exactly 25 kilometers away from cinema Pathé Tuschinski in Rembrandtplein, where International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) will celebrate its 25th anniversary on November 2012.

This video is one of my two submissions for the one-minute film call of IDFA. If it gets selected, it will be screened at the festival.

Filmed, edited and graded by Nicolas Stamboulopoulos.

Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH2. Lenses: Nikkor 55mm 2.8 macro & Nikkor 135mm 2.8

All rights reserved.

25 km from Rembrandtplein

25 km from Rembrandtplein

25 km from IDFA
