The research behind this project was done in via Candiani (Milano). 
As a students’ passage road, many of them use this street as a place to stick their identity and projects through stickers placed on walls, poles and other elements of the street. We set out to explore this part of Bovisa’s identity by mapping the stickers placed on the roads around the campus. 
We tagged them by place, by category and by the surface that they were sticked on.
We also decided to focus on one peculiar aspect of the stickers: their ability to link different places and dimensions, eventually erasing distance by spreading a message where the sticker is placed.

we decided to zoom into the dataset that we built during our research, allowing users to zoom
 on the bands’ stickers and on individual bands.
Each sticker is viewed as a speaker that diffuses music from that band, and multiple tracks 
from different bands fight for the people’s attention just as the stickers themselves are placed on the other: as you get closer to a band’s sticker, the volume of the track rises, and multiple tracks get on top of the others 
as multiple stickers are placed close together. This creates a mix of sounds that at first may seem chaotic, but generates a soundtrack that is inherently local and dictated by people.

The app features aspects as visualizations about where the band’s stickers lead to and the ability 
to save stickers on a personal wall.

Hyperglue –– Interactive data walk