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Fisherman's Friend Campaign

Many young adults, me included, feel insecure facing all the peer pressure of this fast moving world.  A lot of us go through periods of low self-esteem, and shyness and just feel discouraged. As youth we need something to help us boost our confidence, something fresh to enhance our thinking and just release the wild side that each one of us deep down might be retaining.
Fisherman’s Friend is going to be the key to this generation for a stronger, more courageous living. How? FF is distinguished for its very strong and intense taste due to the menthol it contains. After consuming it you could really feel that boost of freshness that really empowers, gives motivation and just pushes you to go further. We all need that right? Especially us the young and wild generation.
To represent the intensity of the candy and solve this issue in our campaign we took it from a very wild and fun perspective by giving the candy a wild character or personality. Our promise is that this candy will boost your wild side, it will just help you release your inner beast in a way due to its strong flavor so you could just go out and achieve.

Fisherman's Friend Campaign
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Fisherman's Friend Campaign

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