1 of X

I call these "1 of X" because I'm too lazy to do everydays. It's a way for me to stack up my technical journey, improve my craft, and not feel like kicking the nearest dog when I miss a day. The "X" will be a changing subject matter according to what I'm into, so it'll possibly be a bit more scattergun than some who do this exercise. This first series seems to be taking me down the Hard Surface rabbithole, so I'll stick with it until my brain hurts too much and then I'll find something different to get into. 
These were made in Blender using the rather magical HardOps and Boxcutter, both made by MasterXeon1001, who has created a brilliant set of tools to make hard surface modelling way, way easier. 
My chosen renderer/pipeline would normally be Octane in Cinema 4D, as that works so damned fast, and to my mind works much better with lights in scenes, but for now it's ok to spit these out of Cycles in Blender, as porting across to C4D feels like overkill - some speed in what I'm doing here should be the aim so I'm going on a more basic pipeline to aid that. ​​​​​​​
ADDENDUM - I am already breaking my rules and using different software. Rendering in Octane is too tempting to refuse for some stuff so over I go. 

Newest images come first. 

1 of X - Blender

1 of X - Blender

Blender hard surface modelling and rendering
