Profil appartenant à Mikaela Nolan

Business & Website Design

Social Media Designs 
Webpage Design 
This is a design I created for a webpage. It contains a simple look and is easy to navigate through a easy access menu right in the middle of the page. I also included a mens, women's and kids section below for easier access and navigation. I included social media links, log in page and a search bar in the top right hand corner for easy access.
I-Phone Design
I-Phones are simple devices that allow creativity to really show. I created a simple app with all the needed features in a easy access design. As with the webpage and I-Pad designs, I created sections under men's, women's and kids for even more accessibility. Menu on the left side and search bar and online shopping cart on the right hand side. 
I-Pad Design
For the I-Pad design, It is exactly the same as the webpage design. I found that I didn't really need to alter the design to fit as it was only the smallest bit smaller then the webpage. This is a easy to navigate design that fits well in both webpage and I-pad designs. 
Thank You
Business & Website Design
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Business & Website Design

In 2015, my first year at AUT - We were to create a mock up business then create and design a website. This had to be accessible on a laptop/comp Lire la suite

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