Harpoon Brewery
The Challenge
Harpoon needed a customized site that would allow not only flexibility when adding content, but also allow them to feature all of their hand crafted beers, events, and festivals while giving followers the ability to find local stores and bars that serve their favorite beers.
The Solution
The Getfused team created a dedicated system with a robust asset manager to accommodate Harpoon’s needs. By using a tagging system, all types of content could easily be added to multiple pages and highlighted in selected areas. They also developed the ‘Beer Finder’ tool which takes the site to the next level with on demand mapping using the Google maps API to give local results for Harpoon retailers nearby with specific Harpoon products served at each location.volutpat. Proin bibendum varius vestibulum. In id justo at magna posuere pharetra quis ac nulla. Suspendisse vestibulum justo at massa imperdiet laoreet. Cras euismod adipiscing neque, ac tristique nisl luctus sit amet. Nunc accumsan felis ut lectus vulputate quis blandit sapien egestas. Pellentesque justo neque, auctor quis hendrerit vitae, tempus eget magna. Sed id lobortis augue. Nam pharetra sagittis leo, id vehicula elit faucibus sit amet. Integer facilisis imperdiet dui in commodo.
Harpoon Brewery
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Harpoon Brewery

Content comes here

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