The Unelectables - UK GE 2017 - Politico Mag

UK General Election 2017
The United Kingdom general election of 2017 is scheduled to take place on 8 June 2017. Each of the 650 parliamentary constituencies will elect one Member of Parliament (MP) to the House of Commons, the lower house of Parliament.

In line with the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, an election had not been due until 7 May 2020, but a call for a snap election by Prime Minister Theresa May received the necessary two-thirds majority in a 522 to 13 vote in the House of Commons on 19 April 2017.

There is a general feeling of apathy and consternation in the UK concerning the choices people have come election day.

Editorial piece for Politico Magazine
Magazine Feature
Publisher Mock-Up
The Unelectables - UK GE 2017 - Politico Mag


The Unelectables - UK GE 2017 - Politico Mag

The United Kingdom general election of 2017 is scheduled to take place on 8 June 2017. Each of the 650 parliamentary constituencies will elect on Развернуть
