Book Jackets
This was a self-initiated design exercise. I created various book jacket mockups for some my favorite titles. 
For War of the Worlds, I wanted to play with the juxtaposition of scale between an invading threat from another planet and the microorganisms that eventually are their downfall. The usage of a red Petri dish allowed me to create an image that had a double meaning. At first glance, it looks like Mars looming in the night sky but upon further inspection, the reader sees the very bacteria becomes humanities salvation.
With Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, I wanted to focus on something unexpected. The falling rocks reference an underlying and important element of the book—the religion of Mercerism. The vibrant color treatment alludes to the hyperreal nature of how members of Mercerism experience their faith. It also implies that, as we find out later in the book, there might be something artificial about the faith. This relationship of real vs. fake and the importance of empathy (the core tenant of Mercerism) are essential themes of the book.
Book Jackets

Book Jackets
