Natalie Mas profil

Endangered Species Calendar 2016

Galápagos Penguin - Spheniscus mendiculus
Found in the Galápagos Islands. They lay their eggs in caves and crevices created by old lava flows. Threatened by climate change, pollution, disease, bycatch from fishing
Pangolin - Manis spp., Phataginus sp,, Smutsia spp,
Found in Africa and Asia. Pangolins are believed to be magic, and thus are illegally hunted for their meat and scales.
Mountain Gorilla - Gorilla beringei beringei
Found in the Congo Basin. They are very strong, but generally gentle and shy. Threatened by habitat loss and human disease.
Saola - Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
Found in the Annamite mountains of Vietnam and Laos, and documented a total of four times. Threatened by hunting and deforestation.
Giant Panda - Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Found in the central mountains of China, after being driven out from their original environments by habitat loss and hunting. It is considered a national treasure.
Sumatran elephant - Elephas maxiumus sumatranus
Found in Borneo and Sumatra, where it vastly spreads the seeds of the plants it eats, aiding the forest ecosystem. Threatened by poaching, deforestation, and human conflict.
Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata
Found in the world's oceans, especially near coral reefs. They are named for their hawk-like beaks.Threatened by Illegal shell trade and entanglement in nets.
African Wild Dog - Lycaon pictus
Found in Coastal East Africa. Among themselves, they have extremely strong social bonds; solitary hunters are very rare. Threatened by human conflict, habitat loss, and disease.
Axolotl - Ambystoma mexicanum
Found in Mexico. They can regenerate limbs, brains, jaws, and spines dozens of times without scarring. There are likely less than 100 left in the wild because of pollution and water drainage.
Vaquita - Phocoena sinus
Found in the Gulf of California. They are the most endangered cetaceans in the world, and are threatened by entanglement in fishing nets.
Bluefin Tuna - Thunnus spp.
Found in the world's oceans. They are some of the top predators in the ocean, and maintain the balance of the ecoystem. Threatened by illegal fishing.
Snow Leopard - Panthera uncia
Found in the Easter Himalayas. They use their thick tails as blankets to protect their faces while sleeping. Threatened by climate change, human conflict, and human settlement.
World Wild Fund for Nature 
International Fund for Animal Welfare 
Wildlife Conservation Society 
Defenders of Wildlife
Gorilla Doctors 
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 
Save the Manatee Club
Endangered Species Calendar 2016

Endangered Species Calendar 2016

A project I created in my senior year of high school. Unfortunately, I didn't time it well and the 2016 calendar ended up being finished during 2 Læs mere
