by Andrea Fontanari
Participatory installation

The term "ex-voto" means an act of donation following a promise, an offer of thanksgiving that seeks to complete a prayer. Usually they leave themselves in a sanctuary, or in the presence of the recipient, and where the grace received is exposed in the eyes of all, witnessing a sort of rebirth.In this case, the sacred place is a small entomological museum set in the center of the city, a true temple of butterflies: almost two hundred specimens, each different from the other, painted on oil on transparent sheets, therefore transparent. The visitor will be able to associate with each piece chosen from those present a prayer, a thought, a sign of gratitude, that will be visible to everyone but only partly. The butterfly, symbol of rebirth and metamorphosis. is thus the perfect iconic representation to stimulate reflection on the self and to share a moment of individual passage in the form of a gift to the community. Ex vote will be a private and protected space, where everyone will have the freedom to express their personal metamorphosis, reconciling with the past and opening the future to a different look.



´Ex Voto`
Partecipatory installation
Festival Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, TN
Detail of painted butterfly
Oil on acetate paper
Installation resolution by printing a book containing all written tickets.
1 \ 4 booksDerwatt studio graphics.
Ex Voto

Ex Voto


Creative Fields