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我們繪 We Can Do It

我們繪 We Can Do It
夢想不設限,憨兒藝術創作展 Limitless Dreams Exhibition

Graphic Design
呂勻晴 Lu,Yun-Ching|bomwook22@yahoo.com.tw
潘芊卉 Pan,Chien-Hui|amy91523@gmail.com
黃盈慈 Huang,Ying-Tzu|ckerlate444@gmail.com
游雅蘭 Yu,Ya-Lan|skes925@gmail.com


Design Concept
"We can do it" represents all of the disability people can do the same things with ability people. We wish to change the stereotypes about disability through their art creations, so we held a charitable exhibition of art for all of the disability students who are studying in the ST. Camillus Centre.

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我們繪 We Can Do It

我們繪 We Can Do It
