xun liu 님의 프로필

"War thunder" theme gaming product packaging design

二战军事背景,玩家可驾驶坦克 、战机、军舰等战争机械互动竞技,热血惨烈的游戏体验是最大亮点。

Last year, a group of gaming mechanical keyboard product packaging design, the company won the game "war Thunder" cooperation copyright, in order to set up an independent series of brands.
World War II military background, the player can drive tanks, fighters, warships and other war mechanical interactive sports, blood tragic gaming experience is the biggest bright spot.
For this new series of products, the need for a more unique and more exclusive visual program. Game world view of the grand and diverse performance of the product and the theme of the background, we use an intuitive performance perspective, the two groups were blown metal and five-pointed star for the visual symbols, the two elements will not be disagreement with any nationality military And the performance of the strong retro war attributes.

"War thunder" theme gaming product packaging design

"War thunder" theme gaming product packaging design


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