Perfil de Giulia Piccoli Trapletti

Un coup de data - Master Degree

Design deals with the resolution of problems (problem solving). Then designing information means solving information problems. Today our society is facing many information problems, from overload and saturation, to loss of truth and reliability, up to the growing skepticism and lack of transparency and interest. A possible solution is to visualise the information, making it clear and transparent. 
This is up to the communication designer, who must try to extend his/her knowledge, relate it to other disciplines, and get ready to move into this complex, crowded and confusing world, where increasingly distracted and suspicious users live.

This thesis invites communication designers, and design in general, to rediscover the taste of artistic and poetic invention (poiein), in order to create a communication which is closer to the user, more engaging and exciting, able to create an experience, a dialogue, an invitation to interpretation, awareness and, why not, a conscious action. All this within the field of data visualization. The aim of this research, conducted both in an exploratory and an experimental way, is to analyze some aspects of the visualisation, placing this area of ​​communication side by side with the world of arts, and, in particular, with the world of poetry, in order to explain and clarify what could be a new kind of communication: the Infopoetry, a mix of artistic and design mode to be submitted to discussion.

Un coup de data - Master Degree

Un coup de data - Master Degree

This is my book of my Master degree in Communication design at Politecnico di Milano.
