設計 ON AIR's profile

你的菜 Your Veg

你的菜Your Veg
增加有機蔬菜的趣味 Increase the fun of the organic vegetables.

Graphic Design
陳映彤 Chen,Ying-Tong|chelsea840131@gmail.com
邱麗靜 Chiu,Li-Ching|lili02211271@gmail.com
陸盈君 Lu,Ying-Jun|ccps961032326@gmail.com


Design Concept
Organic, a life concept that rises in recent years. Although the image of "organic" is wonderful in most of consumers’ eyes, the scope of its market is unsatisfactory. Therefore, we study on the "organic vegetable market" in-depth, realize that the market is not big due to two reasons. First, the marketing is not wide. Second, it lacks of the access. Therefore, the two reasons will be the starting points of this project, and the design project will also divide into two major parts, creative marketing and expanding the access. We expect to expand the market for organic vegetables.
你的菜 Your Veg

你的菜 Your Veg
