Genie park's profile

Save trees, save the forest.

After Effects

Many People throw out a lot of paper every year. Paper takes up the highest percentage of total waste on earth. The paper waste we dispose of each day piles up to almost 1,000,000 tons, and the annual paper consumption is up to 335,000,000 tons. Still, 12,000,000 trees are being cut down every day. 
The problem is the process of making paper. Not only wood and water but also chemicals are used in this process. Because of those chemicals, greenhouse gas emissions are created.  According to the OECD, the greenhouse gas due to the paper industry is just under that of the chemical and steel industries. Trees are disappearing and the greenhouse gas emissions are increasing. 
We have to find a way to save the earth against the paper industry. Let’s save the trees, the forests, and ultimately the earth through little habits in our daily lives!

Save trees, save the forest.

Save trees, save the forest.

Save the earth against the paper industry.
