Profil użytkownika „Isadora Medley”

Glidden Paint Demo Videos

Glidden Paint Demo Videos

Glidden wanted to get the word out about their new and improved paints at Walmart and The Home Depot, communicating that quality performance + a low price = high value paint. They didn't have the budget for a high-production shoot or for getting the ads on TV. So we created a series of 15-second videos that were built for social feeds. We dreamt up entertaining real-world scenarios to draw viewers in, and partnered with Black Math, our animation vendor, to develop eye-catching visuals that demonstrated Glidden products in action. I was the creative lead on this project, from concepting and detailed storyboarding, through animation oversight to final delivery.

Results for the three videos promoted across Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube: 3.3MM+ impressions; 1.02MM video views and impressions. The campaign is a finalist at the upcoming 2017 MITX Awards for Digital Customer Experience.
Example Storyboards
The secret sauce of this project? Spaghetti. Because when you're asking consumers to think about the wear and tear their paint is subjected to, this little guy is a really fun way to bring it up.
Glidden Paint Demo Videos

Glidden Paint Demo Videos

This series of 15-second videos was designed for social feeds, getting viewers to stop in their scroll and watch. They education viewers on the p Rozwiń
