Francisco Celsos profil

Part-timepiece - wall clock

From the partnership between Cortesia and holy emerged the demand for an exclusive
designed wall clock inspired by the fascinating font futuracha created by holy.

A timepiece is the instrument that better
represents the path by which society advances.
Through standards and mechanisation of its
elements, everyone of us no matter where
share the same concept of time.
Part-timepiece wall clock, besides the attributed
features of a timepeace carry also beauty and
audacity. The separation in frames between
minutes and hours breaks rules and opens the
space for the instrument to be more than only
functional, Part-timepiece is designed to be
inspiring in a bold but balanced shape.
Part-timepiece - wall clock

Part-timepiece - wall clock

From the partnership between Cortesia and holy emerged the demand for an exclusive designed wall clock inspired by the fascinating font futuracha Læs mere
